Sunday, October 31, 2010


Whew! That last month flew by didn't it?
Last night, while I was heading to the hockey game with David and Carla, I realized what day it was and immediately exclaimed "It's been thirteen months!". Even though David didn't appreciate my enthusiasm, it still meant a lot to me to realize that I have survived another month.
In talking to my good friend today (who is also waiting for her missionary), I have come to realize more and more that people will not understand waiting for a missionary. It bothers me a lot when my experience is scoffed at, because there are very few couples that actually survive the mission experience. But, I know that people just don't understand, and don't understand my level of commitment. I know that I am strong enough to do this, and I was very grateful to have that reminder today.
Hooray for time moving along!

Man, I love this boy!
 336 days. 336 days. 336 days. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Flashback

As I am getting ready for the YSA Halloween dance tonight, I am reminded of the last one I attended. Two years ago. With a very special guy.

You can't see it from his shirt, but this is Justin as Superman/Clark Kent. (And myself as his Lois Lane). 
It is wonderful to think that this is my last Halloween without him! I have so many costumes planned for our long future together. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Book Club

I have always wanted to be part of a book club! I've always thought that it sounded so fab. A book club. So quaint. Full of (non-caffenated) tea and biscuits and long discussions about whether you would chose Mr. Darcy or Mr. Bingley (I'm a Darcy girl, myself). And so, I want to invite you, my dear friends, if you are interested to have a book club! Even if you don't live in Calgary, I want you to be a part of this! We can share our thoughts here or on another blog (like my book blog).  
Are you interested? (Please say yes!)

"The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings..."

Today, my love of English Literature was renewed. First thing this morning, I got to sit in my Romantic Lit class and listen to my professor recite some Wordsworth poems and gush about how amazing it is that we get to read such wonderful poetry today. It is so refreshing to have a professor that really loves literature and cares about what she is teaching.
And then, my love quadrupled when I read William Wordsworth's poem "Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey". Love. Really. Wordsworth wrote the kind of poetry that moves from my brain straight to my heart. I love it. 
So friends, do your heart some good and read poetry. 

"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility"
-William Wordsworth

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This Charming Man

This morning, I was watching "Regis and Kelly" (my favourite morning show, next to KTLA's morning news), and Kelly was talking about the fact that a lot of men these days are not very gentlemanly, especially when taking a girl out for dinner. She said that the trend has been for men to assume they will go dutch on a date, or even expect a girl to pay. She then said that when she and her husband were dating, it was the opposite and he wouldn't even think twice about being the one to pay.
Of course, this anecdote made me think of my own man. Justin is such a gentleman! He opens doors for me, pays for dinner, holds my hand, walks on the left side of me when we're walking on sidewalk (closest to the street). He tells me I am beautiful, and that he loves me. So, when people say that "chivalry is dead" I want to shout, "No, no it's not!" because I have sufficient evidence for the opposite. I love my gentleman.
While I am on the subject of bragging about my guy, I was reminded of a talk given by President Uchtdorf last year at a CES Broadcast. During this broadcast, President Uchtdorf was talking about the fairy tale that many girls create for themselves when trying to find someone to date or marry. He talked a lot about how these things are really not that realistic, and we shouldn't be so focused on those unattainable things, because it is more important to find a righteous man who will love us and be a worthy priesthood holder. Anyhow, at one point, he relates the story of a girl who comes across a genie who promises to grant her a wish. Of course she wishes for world peace, which the genie says is impossible and insists that this girl asks for something else. She then asks for "someone who is handsome, thoughtful, and has a sense of humor; someone who will help around the house, loves kids, doesn’t watch sports all the time, has a great job, and thinks first about my happiness; someone who will go shopping with me and who can get along with my family". After this request, the genie says that it shouldn't be too hard to do that world peace thing [insert laugh here]. I remember watching this and thinking immediately: that's Justin. Justin is extremely handsome. Justin is incredibly thoughtful. Justin has a wonderful sense of humour. Justin is definitely one that will help around the house (in fact, he would help me with my chores when he would come to visit me). Justin adores kids. Justin, though he loves sports, does not watch them all the time -- or very much at all. Justin does have a great job right now (as a missionary) and will have a great job when he completes his schooling (he's looking at being a nurse). Justin is one of the most selfless people I know and most definitely thinks first about my happiness. Justin loves to go shopping with me. And Justin gets along really well with my family. Yep, I have found the perfect guy. Honestly. I am often dumbfounded as to why I get to be with him. I am just so, so blessed.

I love my man!

Monday, October 25, 2010

"I love us!"

Do I say that I love my friends enough? I don't think that I do. So let's repeat that. I love my friends!
Tonight, my ward had its annual Halloween activity for FHE, complete with pumpkin carving and sweets. I personally do not like pumpkin carving. I am not very good at carving pumpkins (they always look hideous!) and the smell of pumpkins makes me nauseous. However, tonight I enjoyed. First of all, I did not have to carve the pumpkin. Second of all, there were only a few pumpkins being carved, so the smell wasn't over powering. And thirdly, I was with my girls!
When the activity was announced yesterday in church, we were encouraged to dress up. Megan promised the girls in Relief Society that she would dress up, and so on the way home, we collectively (she, myself and Candi) decided we would all dress up. And Chantelle joined us, of course. Sadly, we were the only ones that dressed up, but that's okay. Because we are awesome!

Chantelle was an Indian woman, Candi was a newsie, Megan was Farrah Fawcett/70's woman (her waves were gone by this point) and I was a runner. (I do have more pictures from tonight, but the image uploader is being difficult, so that will have to wait until tomorrow.)
I need to come up with a better costume for Friday night's dance!

As Chantelle said tonight, "I love us!"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Do I Love Thee?

Happy Sabbath! Today, I want to share a short video. I love the messages of the Prophet and Apostles. They touch my heart each time I hear their words, and I know that their message comes from God. Today, I share a message from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland about my favourite subject: love. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Today has been a day of laughter, dancing, cupcakes and rejuvenation -- and it has been splendid! 
That is all I have to say for now. 
Goodnight, friends. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

I Feel it All

At times, it is very difficult for me to express myself while speaking. The words are there in my head, and it makes sense to me, but then I say it to someone else and it turns into something completely different from the original thought in my head.
This happened tonight -- just minutes ago, actually. I was trying to express an honest feeling of mine, and it was taken as being a selfish thing -- which is not was I was trying to share.
So, I guess rather than be vague and pointless, I will share my feelings, because I need an outlet for them right now.
I miss being a part of a couple. Yes, Justin and I are still boyfriend and girlfriend, but with him being far away in California, and being a missionary, being a "couple" is kind of difficult. We don't go on dates, and he isn't here -- which honestly sucks. Having a married sister, and a brother who is also in a relationship, I feel a little out of the loop because I can't do couple things with them. I still have really great relationships with my siblings (in fact, Marni and I have become closer since she got married), but I still feel left out of some things now because my other half is gone for another eleven (and a half) months. Does that make sense? I'm just feeling a little on the outs tonight and wishing that my man were here to hang out with me tonight.
But, let me end by saying that I am happy with my life. I love my family, and am so, so blessed to have the good friendships that I have with them. I know that it is my choices that led me to where I am today, and I take full responsibility for that, realizing that by choosing this path, I will receive greater blessings in the (near) future. I know this. But, I am still prone to these feelings. Anyhow, that's my two cents for the evening.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Heat Wave

I had a lovely experience while on my way home from school today. I was sitting on the train, reading a book, listening to music and feeling the lovely warm sun on my face. And then, to add even more to this perfect moment, one of my very favourite songs come on. "Heat Wave" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas. There is no way that you can be in a foul mood while listening to this song. Seriously. Take a listen for yourself. You will not regret it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Taking Back Sunday

Today, I listened to Taking Back Sunday all day (on my way to work, and on my breaks), and I was reminded of the day that I bought their sophomore album, Where You Want to Be. I was fifteen and had just experienced my first Warped Tour the week previous. I bought the album the day (or soon after) it was released at Best Buy for $9.99. This was in fact the very first album I purchased. And it was then that I began my tradition (that I still keep for the most part today).
When I got home that day I hastily opened the package (oh, how I loath packaging) and placed the CD into my stereo (this was before I had a laptop, obviously, and in fact before the days of iPods). I pressed play, and while sitting on my bed, lyric booklet in hand, I absorbed every note and syllable. I'm quite sure that I listened to that album on repeat for at least a month, loving it more and more each time.
So, listening to it this morning, I was transformed back into that shy, unsure fifteen year old, who was just discovering and creating herself. Taking Back Sunday has been a huge musical influence on me these past seven years (I started listening to them when I was fourteen) and have definitely aided in the shaping of my current musical interest and love.

What was the first album you purchased? Do you still listen to it today?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I feel like I have found the formula for happiness today. Would you like to know the recipe?
Step one: Complete an assignment, and hand it in. Sigh of relief!
Step two: Read a good book on the train to and from school (one that has nothing to do with your required course readings)
Step three: Enjoy the sunny and breezy walk from home to the bus to the train to school to institute to the train to the bus to home.
Step four: Attend Institute! Or engage in some sort of scriptural study. Feed your spirit.
Step five: Have a yummy snack. Yogurt + granola + blueberries. Mmm!
Step six: Come home to another letter from your sweet missionary boyfriend (who will be home in 11 and a half months!)
Step seven: Listen to good music. Thank you Taking Back Sunday to taking me back to a simpler time.

And there you have it. Enjoy the happiness!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Speaking of missionaries...

Since I have my missionary on the brain today (like any other day), I thought I would share what I recently sent Elder Marshall to celebrate his one year. Packages are expensive, and since I will be sending him a bigger one for Christmas in a few months, I decided to keep it simple. He loves getting ties, so I always include at least one with every single package. And I try to send him homemade cards for special occasions as well. And of course, I always like to add something sentimental.

Pictures (mostly from my adventures this summer: EFY, picnic with the fam, 5K #2), card (made by me), Skittles (the new "crazy core" ones, since I couldn't find sour ones), and the traditional Starbursts, and a "Justin" tie (less than $10!!! I love sales!).

I'm still waiting to hear whether or not he's received this one, but I hoping he got it this week.

Elders will be boys

Have you ever been in the same room with at least two sets of missionaries? If not, it is an experience. I'm not sure what it is but something happens when you put three or four (or more) guys between the ages of 19 and 21(ish) in the same room. The goof and silly factor sky rockets. The laughter increases. And the head shaking of those witnessing the interaction at least doubles. Don't believe me? I have proof.

Here is Elder Marshall (the cutie in the very nice pink and blue tie -- selected by yours truly) with his companion and his roommates. (L-R: Elder Spjut, Elder Bailey, Elder Marshall, Elder Shaw).

ps. Happy 33 months, Justin. I love you!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

In the Cold Cold Night

Blankets, blankets and more blankets, I love you. And socks too. And warm PJs. And the promise of at least eight hours of sleep ahead of me.
After a very busy day at work today -- it was our store's 10th year anniversary, complete with a visit from Curious George -- I enjoyed a quiet night at home. Soup and toast warmed my belly while buddy bags warmed my feet and a good book warmed my heart. Mmm. As much as the cold of fall that we are experiencing this weekend displeases me, I do enjoy being able to pile on the blankets and sweaters. I am definitely a fan of the cozy factor.
I am definitely looking forward to an uplifting and restful Sabbath day tomorrow.


(ps. I now have the song "Shiver" stuck in my head now. If you are reading this Candi, you will understand).

We Sing. We Dance. (But we don't steal things).

Two words: Dance party.
I have the best friends. The best. Tonight after a short stay at the YSA activity, we headed back to the "party-house", and while trying to decide between going to a dance and staying in to watch a movie, we settled on our own dance party, complete with sweat pants and pizza. It was wonderful. My best work out this week!
Note to self: dance more often!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

She & Him

Dear Zooey Deschannel, I love you. Can we be best friends?

She & Him is definitely one of my absolutely favourite musical collaborations. Zooey Deschannel and M. Ward. Genius.

ps. Did any one else see the resemblance between Zooey and Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore)?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I am thankful for:

family. justin. snail mail. internet. showers. soap. sunshine. buddy bags. new clothes. sweater weather. memories. the commandments. friends. role models. education. freedom. highways. planes. e-mails. fingers. running shoes. cereal. love. arms. laughter. sunscreen. lotion. justin. socks. water. purses. legs. employment. books. family. my future family. my future in-laws. blankets. JB. pictures. creativity. colours. hope. justin. mom. dad. david. marni. james. friends. toes. paper. pens. the gospel. pretty things. the future. nature. hymns. music. joy. seasons. family. my brain. professors. smiles. the pvr. 

In a nut-shell, that is what I am thankful for today. I have been blessed with so many things in my life, and I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to enjoy all of it.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy anniversary!

I have been staying at my sister and brother-in-law's place while they are spending the week in Mexico. And, for some reason the internet decided to quit on my second day, so that explains my hiatus. I have many, many things to say, but I that would be just too much right now. So, I will just say one thing.
Happy anniversary, Marni and James!
I can't believe it's been one year since we were all freezing our bottoms off in the unsually cold October we had. That was a pretty wonderful day and I am very touched that you let me be a part of it. I am so excited for your second anniversary next year! That is going to be so great!

ps. Since I am at their place on their anniversary, that means I get to eat the top of their wedding cake we saved, right?

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


I think I can officially be diagnosed as a "Shopaholic"-aholic.
I just finished reading Mini-Shopaholic by the lovely Sophie Kinsella. It was fab! Read about it here, at my book blog.


Once again, Sophie Kinsella has delivered. I finished Mini-Shopaholic (my first purchase with my employee discount) this afternoon on my way home from school. I enjoyed every minute of it. Of course. Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood), one of my very best book friends, was hilarious and complicated as ever in this new installment of the Shopaholic series. Along with her fiesty two-year old, Minnie, Becky has one adventure after another that kept me entertained. I love reading these books while I am in school, because it's a nice change of pace from the usual suspects (Edmund Spenser and Mary Wollstonecraft this week). I would definitely recommend this read to any Kinsella fans. With a word of caution though. You will want to shop, and shop and shop. And you will fall in love with the Brandons all over again.
Happy reading!

ps. I just realized that I have been reading this series since I was in high school (possibly grade ten or eleven -- I don't recall). Becky is a part of my life now.


At the beginning of September, I was a little scared. It was cold. All the time. And I was always wet. I was scared that I wouldn't get to enjoy fall like I usually do. Fall and I have always had a lovely love affair, especially while I've been attending university for the last three years. And thankfully, those yucky days of rain seem to be over for a little while. It has been so beautiful this last week! I love it! I love a warm fall. I love enjoying the warmish weather while also soaking up the marvelous atmosphere that is autumn. Autumn means light sweaters, socks in bed, herbal tea, books, and new beginnings. I love autumn.

What does autumn mean to you?